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HomeJournal Submission Instructions


The L.C. Smith Collectors Association Journal is one of the primary benefits of membership in the organization. However, the content and quality will depend on submissions by our members. We need your participation to continue to make it a success. You are strongly encouraged to submit articles that you would like to see in print in the Journal – anything from a hunting story related to L.C. Smiths, hopefully with photographs, to the history of the company or an L.C. Smith shotgun that you own.

Please send submissions to me Marty Stein. Submissions should be made in a Word document. Photographs should be attached to the e-mail (.jpg format is preferred). Photographs are the main area of concern as related to quality. Please take the largest resolution photograph that you can, but the minimum should be 300 dpi or 1 meg. Images with insufficient resolution cannot be considered for publication. Please contact me if you have any questions.

I look forward to receiving your submissions (deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15, October 15), and early submissions are encouraged. I expect great things from our membership. Please help me provide the best Journal possible to the membership of the L.C. Smith Collectors Association.

Marty Stein, Editor